14 March 2011

{ favorite things party }

I'm doing a favorite things party at my house on Tuesday, March 29th. If any of you locals (I live about 30 minutes north of Salt Lake) want an invitation, leave a comment with your email address and I'll send you one.

The basics:

You pick a favorite item (beauty product, treat, recipe, kitchen gadget, book, something hand-made, etc.) and bring five (5) of that one item to give away. You'll leave with five (5) new things from other people.

For the actual exchange of favorite things, everyone puts their name into a bowl five times. Everyone takes turns explaining their favorite thing and then draws five names to give their item away. It's all very exciting - you feel like you "win" something new...five times!

Anyway...anyone is welcome (that I know, at least). Let me know if you want an invite!


Rebekah said...

i so wish i could come!

Kristyn said...

Christine! I threw one of these back in October, and I loved every second of it. People in my ward still talk about it. You are going to have so much fun! And then tell me what you get/bring, because I need new ideas for my next one!

And DARLING invite, btw.

Can't wait to hear how it goes!

Joanne said...

I wish I could come, too! Promise you'll do one of these again if ever I end up back in Utah. Your invitation is awesome.

The Thompsons said...

What a cute idea for a party!

Chelsea said...

Hey Christine! This sounds so fun. I really would love to come but Lance will be out of town that night. Let me know if you do another one!