We went for a walk to the park and took Orva out of the stroller to look at the ducks. We parked the stroller on the grass and a few minutes later I saw this out of the corner of my eye. Brad went on a rescue mission to retrieve it and discovered that the bottom of that pond is extremely slippery and the water smells extremely nasty. We provided some good entertainment for the many on-lookers present.
I don't remember anything about these picture. I do remember those cute cheeks, though.
There was some water left in the tub at my mom's house. The bath rug was hanging over the edge and Orva leaned over to try to play in the water and fell in...taking the rug with her. She was less than thrilled about the situation.
Unfortunately, this is Ford and not Orva. He was born early and we only had one boy blanket. We had to save that for public appearances, so at home, he was wrapped in pink.
Ford used to hold his pabby like this all the time. It was actually really nice - he kept it in very well.
Orva was sick and teething and miserable. These pictures were all taken on the same day. I promise I did let her nap in her bed that day, too.
Orva loved (still does, actually) putting on Ford's pants.
And here's my mini Brad...she looks EXACTLY like him in this picture.
Orva went through a stage where she LOVED snaps or buttons. She would empty the drawer with all of Ford's onesies and un-snap every one. Yes, I snap them (just the middle one) when I fold them. That drawer was her heaven for a long time.
Ford used to put his hand on the back of his head while he slept...for some reason it was always so funny to me.
Thank you to Addie who taught Orva how to dress up. She thought she was pretty stylish in this get-up.
Ford got a hold of a cupcake at a party we went to. He ALMOST got that hand in his mouth, but not quite.
"Shaving" with mom's lotion.
Playing "peepo".
Grandma Gibb gave these shoes to her and they weren't taken off for many days. We're experiencing a similar situation with a fancy pink dancing dress right now.
Ford slept in the swing for a few months...until he started to do this.
This was right after Ford was born...
His chunky thighs do nothing to keep his pants on...he scoots right out of them all the time.
I heard him hollering and went in to find this. Orva was nowhere around, so this was self inflicted.
We didn't know that Orva could open her closet doors...but apparently she can. She went to bed with no hat, and it was put away in the closet.
This was when I was barely pregnant with Ford and so, so sick. I walked in at the end of her nap and was very alarmed to see a nakey baby. I thought, "Oh no. Now is NOT the time to be entering the stage where she takes her diaper off by herself." Upon further investigation, I found the diaper in her bed and it had clearly never been put on (the tabs were still perfectly stuck down). I, in my sick and pregnant state, had changed her diaper and not put the new one on. I felt pretty foolish, but was actually relieved that it had been my mistake and not her learning how to take her diaper off.
* She had no clothes on because at that point, it was warm enough to be in just a diaper and putting clothes on was just too much work. Apparently, just putting the diaper on was too much work. *
I guess this was better than trying to drink Yankee's water (which is what Ford does).
She loved to lounge...this is how she always sat when she was in the cart or the stroller.
very fun, tine. thanks for the laugh.
best post ever, tine. i love your kids.
That was super fun. I love the ones of Orva sleeping in her misery. I also love the one of Ford with his hand on the back of his head and also with the basket on his head. I actually loved them all. Pretty funny how we take pictures of our kids when they are in compromising situations before we help them huh. But you have to remember those moments some how!
i love this!! keep posting tine!
i could pretty much comment about how every picture was my favorite one. did you take a picture of brad in the pond getting the stroller out? your post about the big stink was very exciting because i'm eating sweet potato pudding and i almost spit it back out.
cute. i can't believe they grow up this fast. seems like she was just a baby. keep posting! i miss you! hope you have a fun bday on sunday!
I'm so glad you posted all these - they were all great pictures for catching up. I love the stroller in the pond, Orva slumped over in her chair, Ford's hand on his head, and Orva sleeping with her red shoes and then fancy hat. I've never known your kids very well, so it's funny to get to know things about them from pictures - like how Orva reclined in shopping carts and strollers. So cute!
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