28 December 2008

{ new game }

This is Orva's favorite new game. For a few weeks she would try really hard to make this noise (pphhhhbbbttttt) but couldn't do it. She would press her lips together really hard and stick them out, but no noise would come out (only drool). She was very pleased when she finally learned how to do it.

* There are still a few times in the video where the noise doesn't come out, but if you look really closely at her lips, you can tell she's trying very hard.

This is what her face looked like when she was learning how to make the noise.


Rebekah said...

very cute! we need to get her and laney together . . . laney's new favorite thing is spitting, with her tongue sticking out between her lips. you know the kind?

Unknown said...

She is so cute!

Marian said...

i could only get the sound to play on the video, but it was still pretty cute to listen to. by the way, are we ever going to see pictures of your new house?

Eliza said...

see why you can never know how great it is to have babies until you have one? what could be more fun than that?

Joanne said...

Aah, how cute! I haven't taught Henry any tricks like that. I guess I need to get on the ball.