26 November 2008

{ new york - part four }

While we were in New York, my boss was there staying at her apartment. She was hosting a work event one of the days, so I went over for the afternoon and evening to help out. I'd never seen her apartment before, so it was really fun. Brad came and joined me for the actual event and while we were there, my boss offered to let us stay there after she went home. We could hardly pass up an offer like that! We packed up all of our stuff and stayed there for the last week we were in New York.

Her apartment is the whole top floor of one of the AOL Time Warner towers, right on the corner of Central Park. It's a HUGE penthouse and all the outside walls are floor to ceiling glass. From the 80th floor, you get an amazing 360 degree view. The inside, of course, is just as incredible.

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The studio apartment we'd been in was nice, but SO tiny. We felt very spoiled staying in this huge, amazing penthouse. It was just fabulous! Brad even said he'd live in New York if he could live in a place like that (we're not planning on it).

The concierge brought up a crib for Orva to sleep in and in it were all sorts of fancy goodies (stuffed animal, "princess" bib, fancy lotions and shampoos...). We had to document the only time she'll ever be spoiled like that.

While we were staying there, we had a few people on Brad's work team come play Rockband for an evening. We had a great time. I must admit - even though it wasn't mine, I thoroughly enjoyed hosting in such an incredible place.


Joanne said...

What an amazing place! I love the cute little crib stuff Orva got.

Eliza said...

oh my gosh. (that was for the apartment).

Marian said...

w.o.w. what a place. how cool to live somewhere like that even for a week.