To even get her on it, we had to sing, "Orva likes to ride her red strider bike" to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus" (a common motivating technique in our house). She got on, but still wasn't pleased about it.
She pretty quickly got to the point where she would get on and walk around with it between her legs, but she was more interested in the cargo carrying than the actual riding.
We ended up attaching a basket so she could carry everything (the little foot rests just weren't sufficient for her carrying needs). It ended up being very fun but she spent all her time loading and unloading, with no riding whatsoever, so we took it off again.
She also likes to make fashion statements with her bike - plain onesie, just a diaper, or a backwards princess crown with heels (and no pants).
Her favorite part of riding now is looking for big bumps to go over. She rides along saying, "Find it, big bump!" then goes over one and says, "I did it, big bump!"
She also thinks it is very fun to carry it around with her. She picks it up and carries it all around the house, grunting and saying, "Ah ceggy it! Ah ceggy it!" (translation - "I'm carrying it!")
Overall, the strider bike has been a big hit!