27 September 2008

{ flashback: pregnancy }

Pre-blogging pictures...

As you can see, the belly got very large very fast. It was rather alarming.

13 weeks

16 weeks

21 weeks

26 weeks

29 weeks

34 weeks

38 weeks

Brad emailed this gem to many friends and family when I was 17 weeks along. Unfortunately, some had heard (but not seen) that I was quite large for how far along I was and actually wondered if this was real...

"Here is the latest photo of the belly...I really don't think I am showing as abnormally as I was before...although, I can't see my toes, can't wear any of my prego clothes (even the 7-9 months ones) so maybe I'm just getting used to it? Both Brad and I keep getting this funny feeling that it's twins (or quadruplets or even sixtuplets or 15-tuplets for that matter)."

He sent it from MY email account, making it somewhat believable. Hilarious.


Eliza said...

good job on all the updates. i wish i had pictures to document my pregnancies. i'll do better on my next one.

Joanne said...

I love seeing the progression - you had a very cute pregnant belly. As well as very cute maternity outfits - somehow you pulled off the pregnant/very stylish look at the same time, something I have never managed to do.

And that last picture still cracks me up. I think I believed it for a teeny tiny bit.

Stan and Jamie said...

Ha ha, that last one is hilarious!!! I'm so excited that you guys have a blog so now we can keep up with your little beauty!