06 December 2011

{ housley johnson gibb }

Housley Johnson Gibb was born on Sunday, December 4th at 9:15 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. (bigger than my other two) and was 19 inches long. Labor and delivery went very smoothly and we're all recovering quite nicely.

Here are some pictures of the cute little guy:

* I've been home from the hospital for less than 12 hours and I can already say having three kids is wild.

** Someday soon I'll post more details about the labor and delivery and everything...

*** When I made Ford's sheep costume for Halloween (see post below), I had just enough leftover sweater to make an extra little hat and pants for this new baby. I decided to go ahead and make a matching shirt to complete the outfit. I was so excited to put it on him when we came home from the hospital and see it actually fit! One fun detail - the buttons on the shirt and hat are from the button collection of my great grandma Orva Housley...where he gets his name.